Image Scanning and Emailing Tips
Need Help? Give us a call - Toll Free at (877) 283-3565 (available 9AM-6PM EST)
What type of images are best for engraving?
The quality of the photo engraving is determined greatly by the image(s) that are provided. Most images are acceptable for engraving, some are not. The ones that are rejected have certain characteristics about them such as being quite faded, very low detail or the subject has a shadow or glare over it. To get the best possible result the higher the contrast and detail is recommended. Make sure to select a sharp and in focus image that is not blurry. Images where the background is neutral and not overly cluttered or busy tend to produce better results. Professionally done images are accepted if you have explicit permission from the photographer and/or studio.
When it comes to image size, the larger the image the better. With that said, we do ask that you please do not resize the image before emailing the file(s) to us. We will adjust the size to fit the engraving here in house. If you are emailing your image(s) from your phone and asked if you want to send at Small, Medium or Full Size please send them at FULL SIZE. We will accept almost any image file but we recommend JPG, JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIF, DOC and PSD file formats.
Some images sent to us might need minor adjustments to get them ready to be engraved, we gladly provide this service free with each order. We also include free background removal upon request. If any major adjustments are needed we will send you a proof prior to final engraving.
What is the best way to scan my image(s) for engraving?
Although we accept almost all forms of image files, if you’re scanning your image we recommend scanning it at resolution of 300 DPI. Make sure to set your scanners color settings to Black and White or Grayscale setting. Also, make sure to wipe down the surface of your scanner with a dry cloth to help reduce dust particles appearing in your image. If you do not have access to a scanner you can do one of the following methods to get us your image(s).
- You can physically MAIL us your image, your image will be returned safely with your order.
- You can take your image or document to a (Copying Store) such as UPS or FedEx, they will usually scan the image and email it to you or place it on a CD for you. Once you have the image on a CD simply put the CD in your computer and select the image from your CD drive when you are attaching the image in your E-Mail program.
- It’s not recommended, but you can take a picture with your phone and email that to us. A couple helpful things to get the best possible image:
- Remove the photo from the frame to prevent glare
- Gently wipe the surface of the picture with a dry cloth to remove and dust particles
- To reduce glare/shadow it is recommended to prop the photo up flat against a vertical background/wall and take the photo as straight on as possible.
- Try to keep the phone as still as possible to prevent blurring and be at eye level with the picture when taking it. This will prevent any awkward skewing or weird angles in the final picture.
- Best to use a well lit room and turn off the flash on your phone. This will prevent any glare appearing on the final image.
If you have any problems we are more than happy to assist in helping you through the process, please give us a call Toll Free at (877) 283-3565 (available 9AM-6PM EST).